Anti wrinkle injections London

Finchley Cosmetic Salon is proud to offer first class treatments to clients in Golders Green. anti wrinkle injections, Sculptra and Fillers are the very best materials administered by our resident Doctor.

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Our clinic treats many conditions and aesthetic concerns with muscle relaxing injections.

Frown Lines – Most commonly known as Glabella lines, frown lines develop in-between the eyes and can both age and give an ‘angry’ look to the face. If you frown lots these deep grooves will develop over time, whilst sun damage can also cause frown lines. These lines are often deep vertical grooves that can be successfully treated with muscle relaxing injections.

Forehead wrinkles -Wrinkles on the forehead run in horizontal lines and occur through general expressions over time. Forehead wrinkles generally age the face and can be easily treated with anti wrinkle injections.

Crow’s Feet wrinkles – Periorbital wrinkles are most commonly known as crows feet and inevitably form with age and the constant expressions at the eyes. Smoking and sun damage can make these wrinkles deeper and more prevalent.


Our Sculptra treatment gets amazing results for those of you who want younger, tighter, well defined features.

We begin any course of Sculptra with a free consultation with the resident Doctor. During this talk the Doctor will advise you of the number of Sculptra teatments required in order to regain a youthful appearance.

No more than 4 treatments are usually recommended and these are spaced 3 weeks apart. The treatment shows signs of working about 2 weeks to 2 months after the first appointment.

Dermal Fillers

A popular treatment at our clinic for instant youthful features.

During a free consultation our resident Dr will listen to your needs and recommend the perfect Filler to achieve the desired result. Dermal Fillers can be used to treat wrinkles on the face, neck, chest and hands with instant results that you will love.

Our clinic at 16 Long Lane Finchley N3 2PT is easily accessible if travelling from Golders Green & we would be happy to advise you on any aspect of your treatment or booking before you arrive.